Magento: Send New Product Review Notification Email

In this article I'm describing how you send an email notification to admin email address every time a new review has been posted. I am planning to do this by making a custom module which on its own as soon as the new review is posted should notify the store owner (on its contact email address).

This module allows you to send product review email directly to administrator when customer submits product review on your website. For this I'm going to make it by "review_save_after" event.

First of all, Crate a skeleton module(for example: Prashant_Reviewnotify) and register the event: review_save_after
File: app/code/local/Prashant/Reviewnotify/etc/config.xml


After that, Implement the observer model
File: app/code/local/Prashant/Reviewnotify/Model/Observer.php

class Prashant_Reviewnotify_Model_Observer
     * Send notification email when product review is posted
     * @param Varien_Event_Observer $observer
    public function reviewSaveAfter(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        $review = $observer->object;
        if ($review) {
            $emails     = array(''); #Edit admin emails
            try {
                //@todo - use configurable email templates
                $this->_sendNotificationEmail($emails, $review);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
        } else {
            Mage::log('ERROR::UNABLE TO LOAD REVIEW');
    protected function _sendNotificationEmail($emails, $review)
        if (count($emails)) {
            $product        = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($review->getEntityPkValue());
            $starRatings    = array_values($review->getRatings());
            $body = 'New product review has been posted!<br /><br />';
            $body .= 'Customer Name: ' . $review->getNickname() . '<br />';
            $body .= 'Product: ' . sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', $product->getProductUrl(), $product->getName()) . '<br />';
            $body .= 'Star Rating: ' . (isset($starRatings[0]) ? $starRatings[0] : 'N/A') . '<br />';
            $body .= 'Review Title: ' . $review->getTitle() . '<br />';
            $body .= 'Review Description: ' . $review->getDetail() . '<br />';
            foreach ($emails as $toEmail) {
                $mail = Mage::getModel('core/email');
                $mail->setToName('YourStore Name');
                $mail->setSubject('YourStore: New Product Review');
                try {
                catch (Exception $e) {