Sending emails programmatically in Magento

Now and then you may wind up sending an email after a specific activity has happened. For instance, you have a custom module that permits you to add an item to a rundown of top picks and might want to email the client that their rundown has been upgraded. While working with Magento, I have ended up doing this frequently. In the wake of counseling with my kindred designers, I discovered how to send messages automatically in Magento.

Searching for the most fundamental approach to programatically send messages in Magento? Here's the manner by which:


// Send mail, the Magento way:

// Create a simple contact form mail:
$emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')
$data = new Varien_Object();
        'name' => 'Test',
        'email' => '',
        'telephone' => '1234567890',
        'comment' => 'This is a test message'
$vars = array('data' => $data);

// Set sender information:
$storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
    Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/email', $storeId));
    Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/name', $storeId));
$emailTemplate->setTemplateSubject('Test mail');

// Send the mail:
$output = $emailTemplate->send($_GET['email'], null, $vars);

Save it in a file called mailtest.php, and simply call it in the browser like this:

Presently you ought to see a true - message when Magento could send the mail and false if not.