Magento: Lowest Price for a Configurable Product

Today I'm discussing, how to display Lowest price for a configurable product

I find the best solution for this type of method is a helper file. I’ve created an empty module for this, PB Myhelpers. I’m going to assume you can do that already and skip those steps. Let’s get straight to our method, and then we’ll see how we’re going to use it.


class PB_Myhelpers_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Data
public function getLowestConfigPrice( $product ) {
$childProducts = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_type_configurable')->getUsedProducts( null, $product );
$childPriceLowest = '';

if ( $childProducts ) {
foreach ( $childProducts as $child ) {
$_child = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product')->load( $child->getId() );
if ( $childPriceLowest == '' || $childPriceLowest > $_child->getPrice() ) {
$childPriceLowest = $_child->getPrice();
} else {
$childPriceLowest = $product->getPrice();

return $childPriceLowest;

After that in your theme folder create this directory and file

// $prod is a product object, load as you wish

<?php if ( $prod->isConfigurable() ): ?>
<?php $priceFrom = $this->helper('pb_myhelpers')->getLowestConfigPrice( $prod ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

That's it.